
Efforts for rural development: MCRD UM attended the launching cooperative farm service

21 February 2024
2024-02-21 10:02

The clarification of the cooperative farm service with tractor distributed by InBatKone General Cooperatives Society and Good Brothers Company Limited was held at InBatKone Village, Tatkone Township, Nay Pyi Taw in the morning on 20th February and attended by the Union Minister for Cooperatives and Rural Development U Hla Moe, Nay Pyi Taw Council Chairman U Than Tun Oo, Deputy Minister for Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation U Bo Bo Kyaw and officials. 

Speaking on the occasion, the Union Minister U Hla Moe said that the cooperative farm service is implemented for the benefits of the farmers by ploughing collectively for the seasonal crops by the members of cooperatives society simultaneously, the crops will yield at the time and can be harvested all together and the farmers need to implement collectively with efforts for the higher yielding of the farmers while the government, cooperatives sector and the companies are providing assistance.

Next, the Nay Pyi Taw Council Chairman U Than Tun Oo gave necessary suggestions for the expansion of cultivation with double and triple crops system. Next, the Director General U Aung Thura of the Department of Cooperatives, responsible officials from Kubora Myanmar Co., Ltd, Good Brothers Co., Ltd, Myanmar Agricultural Development Bank clarified the related matters and the farmers asked the questions on what they wanted to know and the responsible officials replied to their questions.

Then, the Union Minister and officials viewed the demonstration of cooperatives farm service and gave instructions to sell the agricultural machinery in installment system with the cooperation of Myanma Agricultural Development Bank, Cooperatives Societies, requirements of after sale service and easy availability of spare parts.

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