
Opening Up: Restaurants And Cafes In Pyay Township Inspected

10 June 2020
2020-06-10 15:46

The officials from Pyay Township COVID-19 Containment and Emergency Response Committee inspected the restaurants and cafes in the township of Bago Region on Wednesday.

They inspected the restaurants and cafes that are operating in line with the instructions of the Ministry of Health and Sports or not.

Executive Officer, Pyay Township Development Committee, Aung Myint Htay said “It has been 4 days that we are inspecting. When we inspect, there are some restaurants and cafes that do not follow the instructions issued by the Ministry of Health and Sports. If so, we give guidelines to follow the disciplines and afterwards we inspect again.”

Though the restaurants and cafes are opening up, the official permission for reopening is not coming out yet during this period. So, the restaurants and cafes are needed to follow exactly the instructions of the MOHS, the official of Pyay Township Development Committee added.

Executive Officer, Pyay Township Development Committee, Aung Myint Htay said “The official permission from the government for reopening is not come out yet. But, the government has eased some regulations and will arrange for the restaurants and cafes to re-open in very near soon. I would like to suggest that the restaurants and cafes to follow the instructions issued by the Ministry of Health and Sports.”

The restaurants and cafes that do not follow the instructions will be taken actions, according to the Pyay Township COVID-19 Containment and Emergency Response Committee.

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