
More than 100 delegates from 40 countries gathered in Rapa Nui

8 April 2024
2024-04-08 16:24

In a crucial meeting highlighting the pressing need for worldwide environmental initiatives, more than 100 delegates from 40 countries gathered in Rapa Nui for a landmark Pacific Leaders’ Summit. The summit aims to amplify the collective voice and issue an urgent call to action to the global community, highlighting the dire consequences of plastic and microplastic pollution in the oceans.

Catherine Murupaenga-Ikenn –(Indigenous Human Rights and Climate Justice Advocate) said ”We have got to reconnect with nature, respect nature, because only nature provides us with the life giving, you know, clean air, clean water, clean soil. So the plastic is, you know, polluting all of that. So we have to be more mindful and respect Papatūānuku; earth mother, Ranginui; sky father, Tangaroa; of the sea, all of those things we need to do.”

During the global conversation, discussions revolved around devising strategies to address this widespread pollution, drawing upon the insights of indigenous communities.

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